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Paige Mann

MLIS, Scholarly Communications Librarian


Paige Mann's academic interests and areas of expertise include information privilege, open access, open educational resources, and person-centered leadership. She liaises with science and social science departments when it comes to instruction and collection development responsibilities.


  • M.L.I.S., San Jose State University
  • B.S., Mathematics, University of Redlands

Professional Background

  • Associate Librarian, University of Redlands, 2017-Present
  • Interim Director, Armacost Library, University of Redlands, 2023-2024
  • Interim Co-Director, Armacost Library, University of Redlands, 2022-2023
  • Visiting Assistant Librarian, University of Redlands, 2009-2017
  • Reference Librarian (Adjunct), Chaffey College, 2008-2009

Publications, presentations and panels

"Embedding Collective Ownership Into a Systems Migration." [Presentation]. With Sanjeet Mann. NASIG: Transforming the Information Community. Atlanta, Georgia. June 8-11, 2018. Paper available at; slides available at


“Scholarship: An Examination of Inclusion and Exclusion.” [Panel Presentation]. California Academic & Research Libraries Conference: The Academic Library in Times of Change. Redwood City, California. April 13-15, 2018. Abstract available at Slides available at


“Acknowledging Researchers: Exploring Who We Recognize.” [Flash Talk]. FORCE2017: Changing the Culture. Berlin, Germany. October 25-27, 2017.

“Facilitate Learning with Web Analytics.” [Lightning Round Presentation]. Experi(m)ent(i)al: Developing Process-oriented, User-focused Methodologies in the Library. University of California, Irvine. August 19, 2016. Available at  


Mann, P., & Mann, S. (2019). Embedding collective ownership into a systems migration. The Serials Librarian, 76, 170-177.


“Pushing PCP and Dismissing Diversity.” [Lightning Talk, Invited]. Digital Initiatives Symposium. University of San Diego. April 30, 2019.

Mann, P. (2020). Campus Conversations on Scholarly Communications: May 2020 Report. Retrieved from

Mann, P. (2020). Open, Just, and Sustainable Project: April 2020 Report. Retrieved from

Mann, P. (2022). Scholarship in a globalized world: The publishing ecosystem and alternatives to the oligopoly. In A. Day, L. Lee, D.S.P. Thomas, & J. Spickard (Eds.), Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization: Practical Tools for Improving Teaching, Research, and Scholarship (pp. 186-202). Bristol University Press. and

Mann, P. (2024). Persistence as a reluctant, interim leader at an academic library. In D. Brecher Cook, M. J. Kirker, & D. Smothers (Ed.), Person-centered management in academic libraries. ALA Editions.

Awards & Grants

  • University of Redlands Innovation Grant to advance Open Educational Resources, 2019
  • SCELC (Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium) Project Initiative Fund (SPIF) Grant, Campus Conversations on Scholarly Communications, 2018-2020
  • Multidisciplinary Faculty Seminar Grant, Open: Scholarship & Learning, Office of the Provost, University of Redlands, 2017-2018